7 Tips for How to Use Quotes Within a Wedding Speech, Plus Examples

Are you considering using a quote in your wedding speech?

As a wedding speech writer, I have specific recommendations for how to use quotes to make your speech more impactful. Plus, I will share my tips for what to avoid so that a quote doesn’t completely derail your message and overall tone. 

Tip #1: Use Quotes Sparingly 

Be very selective when it comes to choosing which quote or quotes to insert into your wedding speech. 

A wedding speech loaded with trite sayings will come across as generic and formulaic. But a wedding speech with a single quote that captures the couple or your message in an especially articulate way will leave guests swooning. 

The more quotes you add, the less powerful they will sound. Adding multiple quotes will make your speech feel watered down with words that aren’t your own. 

I recommend including only one quote within your speech. This will allow your message to remain concise and clear while delivering optimal emotional impact.

Tip #2: Use Quotes that Apply to the Couple and Your Theme

If a quote does not have any special meaning to the couple or the overall message of your wedding speech, don’t include it. 

Quotes should not be used to bulk up your speech or as a band-aid for writer’s block. Instead, quotes should elevate a wedding speech. 

If you’re planning to use a quote that fits the couple’s personality or love story, here are some places you can find inspiration:

  • Their favorite TV show, movie, or book

  • A poem they adore

  • Lyrics from the first dance song

  • A saying they always recite to each other

  • A mantra they hold sacred

Another way to use an applicable quote is to have it tie into the message of your speech. In this case, determine the theme for your wedding speech and then find a quote that works well with that theme.

For example, the theme of your wedding speech might be marrying your best friend. In that case, here are a few quotes you could consider using:

  • “You're the best friend that I ever had. I've been with you such a long time. You're my sunshine. And I want you to know. That my feelings are true. I really love you. You're my best friend.” ― Queen 

  • “A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short.” ― Andre Maurois

  • “Marry your best friend. Life is too short not to love someone who lets you be a fool with them.” ― N’Tima Preusser

  • “You are my best friend as well as my lover, and I do not know which side of you I enjoy the most.” ― Nicholas Sparks

Tip #3: Give Credit Where Credit is Due

Make sure guests know that you’re reciting a quote as opposed to making the quote sound like something you wrote. 

Here’s an example of how to seamlessly credit a quote within your wedding speech: 

As Ron Swanson said from the bride and groom’s favorite show, Parks and Rec…"If you don’t believe in love, what’s the point in living?”

Well, it’s clear these two are going to live the most beautiful life together because their belief in love is evident in all the hugs they share, laughter they evoke, and smiles they inspire.

Cheers to you both, and to a lifetime of love!"

Tip #4: Consider the Length of the Quote

Quotes, like speeches, have the most impact when they lean shorter. If you choose a quote that is more than one to two sentences, you run the risk of its meaning being lost.

Instead of a paragraph-long quote, choose the strongest line to include within your speech. 

Tip #5: Choose the Right Placement for Your Quote

Timing is key to delivering a truly great wedding speech. So make sure you edit your speech to thoughtfully decide where you should insert the quote.

For symmetry and to anchor your speech in a memorable way, I’d suggest including the quote within the first section of your speech and then including it again at the end.

When you include a callback like this, guests can’t help but smile and maybe even shed a sentimental tear at the emotion this sort of delivery can evoke. 

Another option for where to include your quote is alongside an applicable story.

For example, if the quote you plan to share shares a similar theme to the stories you are telling about the bride or groom, then recite the quote before or after those stories to tie the message together. 

Tip #6: Practice Reading the Quote Out Loud

Giving a wedding speech also means brushing up on your public speaking skills

When it comes to saying the quote out loud, here are a few public speaking tips to keep in mind:

  • Speak slowly: Make sure guests understand the meaning of your quote through the pace by which you deliver it. 

  • Speak loudly: Even if you’re using a microphone, speak up so everyone can absorb the quote. 

  • Consider your inflection and tone: The quote is meant to be an emotional moment so practice how your tone will change when you deliver this line as opposed to other lines within the speech. 

Tip #7: Work with a Speech Writer

When in doubt, consult with an expert speech writer.

I’ve worked with the maid of honor, best man, and parents of the couple to write memorable speeches with quotes that tie the entire toast together.

Get in touch to see how we can best work together.

Quotes to Use in Your Wedding Speech 

Now that you have an idea of how to weave the quote into your speech, it’s time to choose the quote you’ll include. Here are a few for you to consider based on potential speech themes.

Examples of Friendship Quotes

“Anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you.” — Misty Copeland 

“Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.” — Maya Angelou

“It’s the friends you can call up at 4 a.m. that matter.” — Marlene Dietrich

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. “ — Oprah Winfrey 

Examples of Loyalty Quotes

"Commitment is what transforms a promise into a reality.” — Abraham Lincoln

“The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other.” — Mario Puzo

“Loyalty is what makes us trust, Trust is what makes us stay, Staying is what makes us love, and love is what gives us hope.” — Glenn van Dekken

Examples of TV Show Quotes

“One thing that will make you give up on everything you thought you know, every instinct, every rational calculation. Love.” — Jim, The Office

“When you’re a kid, you assume your parents are soulmates. My kids are gonna be right about that.” — Pam, The Office

“Love is the water of life, drink deeply.” — Michael, The Office

“He’s her lobster!” — Phoebe, Friends

“I look forward to a lifetime of joy, growth, and constant mispronunciation of common words.” — Cece, New Girl