How to Write Vows for Your Christmas Wedding

If you’re anything like me, you love indulging in a feel-good Christmas romance this time of the year. 

Maybe you adore those holiday romances so much that you decided to get married in December. 

If that’s the case, you may want to consider how you can embrace the festiveness of this season throughout your wedding vows.

As a wedding vow writer, I’ve put together an easy-to-follow guide to help you write your own Christmas-themed wedding vows. 

Tip #1: Find Festive Film Inspiration 

It’s time to press play on all of your favorite Christmas movies since they will help you write your wedding vows.

First, compile a list of your favorite holiday romance movies, and then begin bingeing. 

As you watch each movie, jot down quotes or words that you may want to consider using in some way within your vows.

Christmas romance movies to watch:

  • The Holiday

  • White Christmas

  • It’s a Wonderful Life

  • Christmas Vacation

  • Just Friends

  • Four Christmases

  • Love Hard

  • Love Actually

  • Single All the Way

  • A Christmas Prince

  • A December Bride

  • Happiest Season

  • Let It Snow

  • Holidate

Tip #2: Use a Christmas Movie Quote within Your Vows

If you plan to use a quote in your wedding vows, make sure it’s relevant to your relationship.

As I note in my interview with, quotes shouldn’t be randomly chosen. They should be selected because they represent something significant about your love story.

For example, if you two share a tradition to watch a particular Christmas movie every year, it would make sense to pull a quote from that film. But if you have never seen a particular movie, pass on pulling quotes from that one since it won’t have as much emotional weight.

Christmas movie quotes to consider using within your vows:

“No one should be alone on Christmas.” -Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas

“I’ll just be hanging around the mistletoe, hoping to be kissed.” -Love Actually 

“I realized that Christmas is the time to be with the people you love.” -Love Actually 

“But for now, let me say. Without hope or agenda. Just because it’s Christmas. And at Christmas, you tell the truth. To me, you are perfect.” -Love Actually 

“Just because you can’t see something, doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.” -The Santa Clause

“That’s what Christmas memories are made from. They’re not planned, they’re not scheduled, nobody puts them in their Blackberry. They just happen.” -Deck the Halls

“You have such a pretty face, you should be on a Christmas card.” -Elf

“This is Christmas. The season of perpetual hope.” -Home Alone 

“Oh, Christmas isn’t just a day. It’s a frame of mind.” -Miracle on 34th Street

“It’s Christmas Eve and we’re going to go celebrate being young and being alive.” -The Holiday

"I can't figure out the mathematics of this, I just know I love you." -The Holiday

“If you were a melody, I used only the good notes.” -The Holiday

Example of how to use a Christmas movie quote within your vows:


I love the traditions we’ve created together and one of my favorites is watching Love Actually every Christmas.

Standing up here in front of you today, I can’t help but think of this quote from the movie, “I realized that Christmas is the time to be with the people you love.”

Well, from this day forward, I’ll always be with the person I love at Christmas and every day of the year because I’ll be sharing my life with you.”

Tip #3: Write Your Vows in an Idyllic Setting 

What better way is there to set the tone for writing vows than to do it by the glow of a Christmas tree? 

Cozy up next to the tree, a fireplace, or some stockings, turn on the instrumental Christmas music, and allow the warm ambiance to transport you so you can begin writing your Christmas wedding vows. 

You can also step out of your home and travel to some local Christmas attractions to write your vows.

Location Ideas:

  • A cozy coffee shop

  • A decorated bar

  • The park, surrounded by freshly fallen snow

  • The town center

No matter where you choose to write vows for your Christmas wedding, just pick a setting that feels festive to you. When you put yourself in a setting that feels good, you’ll be more inspired to write vows that feel good too. 

Tip #4: Include Christmas Language 

When it comes to writing vows that touch on a theme, it’s all about being aware of your word choices. 

For example, writing vows for a beach wedding means including language that leans into that laid-back beach vibe. 

Similarly, when writing vows for your Christmas wedding, consider words or phrases that mirror the holiday spirit.

Examples of Words to Include in Your Christmas Wedding Vows:

  • Merry and bright

  • Joy

  • Light

  • Magic

  • Illuminate

  • Jolly

  • Family

Examples of how to use Christmas language in wedding vows:

  • From the moment we meet, you have brought me so much joy.

  • It’s been nearly a decade, and yet, you continue to light up my life.

  • As we begin our marriage today, I can’t wait to see how the magic continues to illuminate our lives. 

  • This may be the season to be marry and bright but from this day forward, I know I’ll always be married and bright. 

  • I’m so glad we chose to have a Christmas wedding because this season is about remembering how important family is. Now, with every anniversary we celebrate, I’ll always think back to this moment…the moment I chose you to be my family forever. 

Tip #5: Use Christmas Themed Vow Booklets 

When it comes to packaging your vows, opt for a holiday-inspired vow booklet rather than reading from your phone or a simple piece of paper. 

Red, green, gold, silver, or snow white covers will fit your Christmas wedding theme.

And don’t forget to choose a metallic inscription on the cover to really add that glowing detail in gold or silver. 

Tip #6: ‘Tis the Season to Get Help 

Even Santa has elves to help him. Why not get help with writing your Christmas-themed vows?

As a professional wedding vow writer, I work with couples to write custom wedding vows that fit any wedding theme, including writing vows for their Christmas wedding. 

Get in touch to see how we can write vows for your Christmas wedding.

Tip #7: Borrow Lyrics from Your Favorite Christmas Songs 

One of the best parts of the Christmas season is the music that sets the mood and sends waves of nostalgia throughout our homes and our hearts.

What are your favorite Christmas songs?

Turn up the tunes and consider weaving in some of your most well-loved lyrics into your wedding vows

Tip #8: Enjoy a Christmas Date

Sometimes writer’s block creeps in and this creative lull makes it hard to write anything romantic.

When this happens, take a break from vow writing. Instead, focus on your relationship by planning a seasonal date. 

When you walk away from your pen and paper and have fun with your future spouse, you’ll not only get a much-needed break, but you’ll also feel inspired to write about your love after having experienced a romantic date together.

Christmas Date Ideas to Inspire Vow Writing: 

  • Sledding

  • Having a snowball fight

  • Cookie baking

  • Gingerbread house decorating

  • Chrismas movie marathon 

  • Gift wrapping 

  • Decorating the house

  • Caroling around the neighborhood

  • Ice skating

  • Host a photoshoot for your Christmas card

  • Donate toys