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How to Write Your Holiday Proposal Speech in 3 Easy Steps

‘Tis the season for tree trimming, gingerbread house building, and proposing to your love. You’ve made the big decision to get engaged but how do you tackle writing your holiday proposal speech?

You don’t have to worry. At Wedding Words, I specialize in working with couples to write personalized wedding vows and proposal speeches.

Here are three easy steps you can follow to articulate how you feel into an impactful marriage proposal speech that your partner will be excited to say yes to.

Step 1: Start by Sharing Your Personal Thoughts

Many times you think things about your love that you don’t verbally express. However, if you said that thought out loud, your partner would likely blush.

For example, when was the first time you realized you loved your girlfriend or boyfriend? How did you feel during your first date? Did you have an especially memorable meet cute that left a specific impression on you?

These are special moments that you may not have previously shared with your partner. Communicating the details of how you felt and interpreted the intimate moments of your relationship can be a great way to kick off your holiday proposal speech.

Let’s look at a few examples:

  • Mark, when you first introduced me to your children, that was the moment I knew I was in love with you. The kindness, supportive, and nurturing nature I had already seen in you became amplified and I knew I wanted more of you in my life.

  • Lisa, I noticed you in our torts class two months before I had the nerve to say hello. I was entranced by your beaming confidence and that self-assured smile that would creep across your face every time the professor thought he could stump the class. Of course, you knew better.

  • Candace, from the moment we met, I knew you were special.  

Why begin your holiday proposal speech with a specific anecdote?

  • Everyone loves to hear what someone thinks of them—especially when it’s coming from the person we love.

  • It provides a jumping off point to move your proposal speech forward. After you’ve made your initial statement, follow up that point by providing more vivid detail or examples.

Step 2: Detail Out What You Love About Your Partner

The next step in writing your holiday proposal speech is to detail out why you love your girlfriend or boyfriend. What qualities do you love most about your partner? What makes you most grateful to be with this person? Why are they special to you?

Here are some examples for this part of your proposal speech:  

  • You have been there to support me through life’s challenges and to celebrate with during the happy times. When I look up and see that beautiful smile of yours, I feel at home. You make me feel at home—wherever we are—as long as we are together.

  • You are my best friend. I love laughing with you at our silly jokes, protecting you when you feel scared, and listening to you when you need a soundboard.

  • You are my favorite part of every day. Making you smile brings me happiness and seeing your eyes light up when you look at me fills my heart with warmth. I love how you make me feel comforted and safe just by being near me.

Step 3: Describe Why You Want to Get Married

Now that you’ve shared your personal feelings and detailed out what you love about your partner, it’s time to describe why you want to marry this person.

What do you see in your future together? Why do you feel ready to get married now? Why is this your person?

Here are examples for the ending of your holiday proposal speech:

  • Committing to someone is a conscious choice and I choose you, Michelle. I choose you to be a loving and committed husband to. I choose you to work through the challenging times and to triumph in the good times. I choose you to be my love, my life, my future, my wife.

  • I asked myself recently, “How do I know that I’m ready to dedicate my life to this person?” And the answer was simple, Shelley. You are my future. Without you, my life would be less vibrant, less meaningful, less joyful. But with you, my life is more of everything and I can’t imagine a future without you in it.

  • When I look into our future—I am grateful to see a loving relationship full of support, comfort, and a willingness to continue growing together. When I look into our future, I see us showing up to be there for each other with love in our hearts every step of the way. So today I ask you to take another step forward with me into our future—a future where I will have the pleasure of calling you my wife.

Still need help writing your holiday proposal speech?

If you’re anxious to propose this holiday season but are still stumped with how to write your marriage proposal speech, do not worry. I can help by taking your personal love story and articulating it into a proposal speech that will be easy to say yes to.

Get in touch to learn more about how we can work together on your personalized proposal speech.